Monday, October 26, 2020

10/23/20 Update: Strong and Healthy Start


Safety and Health Guidance for Reopening Schools, Fall 2020 
Issued by the Vermont Agency of Education and the Vermont Department of Health 

Issued: June 16, 2020 
Revised: October 23, 2020
EFFECTIVE: November 16, 2020

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Healthy Life Survey 2020 is now open! (60 PATHpoints in October!)


The Healthy Life Survey is now open on PATH to give you an opportunity to assess your health using VEHI's personalized survey. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. When you have finished, you can see your results which highlight where your wellness is going well, and note areas you may want to work on. If you have been doing the survey each year, you can compare to see where you've improved.
You will also receive 50 PATHpoints! And, if you finish by October 31, you will receive an additional 10 points (that's 60 points toward the 200 needed for an LL Bean gift card!)
If you are new and do not know what PATH is, go see a Wellness leader.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Yoga online classes: A Message form Lucy D'Aponte

Happy fall!  What a great time to practice yoga. It is a time to turn in and reflect, recharge and restore; I hope you will join me in practicing together. 

This month, I am offering 4 online classes for you to choose from each week - something for everyone!
Let me know if you have any questions and please share with your friends!

October class schedule begins this Friday: 10/1- 10/30

Tuesday:  FLOW @ 9-10am
Wednesday: GENTLE @ 9-10am and FLOW @ 4:15-5:15pm
Friday: RESTORE @ 4:15-5:15pm

Flow:  a strong playful, guided all-levels class.
Gentle: an ease-full guided class.
Restorea restful meditative class that guides you into supported yoga postures that restore your energy and regulate your nervous system.

To attend classes:  Please email me if you plan to join me this month.  Pre-registration is appreciated but not necessary.

$15+ per class or PAY WHAT YOU CAN:  

via VENMO @Lucy-DAponte 


CHECK: 96 W Spring St, Winooski, VT 05404

Zoom link for all classes:

Meeting ID: 818 4451 8271
Passcode: Fallyoga

Helpful hints for online classes: Please make sure you have downloaded Zoom to your computer.  I will open the zoom meeting about 10 minutes before class starts to troubleshoot any electronic assistance needed.  Your computer will be muted upon entering the meeting, so un-mute it if you have any questions.  Feel free to use your own music during classes once class begins.

Set up your yoga space before the meeting.  Be sure you have your mat or blanket space set, clear your area to allow for reaching arms up and around you, bring any props you like to use.  For restorative class: be creative - blankets, pillows, yoga strap (scarf/belt/dog leash), and couch cushions can be helpful but not necessary.

In light,


Lucy D'Aponte, MS PT, CYT

Third Eye Therapies LLC
Winooski VT 04505
802 498 5959

"Our body is an instrument played by divine breath.  It is our job to keep the instrument well tuned and to listen to the voice of truth moving through us."
Anodea Judith

Weekly Wellness Tip (from Nan Johnson)

Hello friends!

One thing I've heard from many staff members is that you are finding it hard to remember things. I know I am! The stress we've been living under during the pandemic can make it more difficult to remember things. Then add on all the additional responsibilities at school, we are juggling a lot! I've even heard a podcast all about it... but I can't remember which one it was! :-)

I would be completely lost without my reminder app. I used to use the app that came with my Iphone, but last year I downloaded a new one: Todoist:

I use the free version but there is also a paid version. I like the ease of setting up repeated reminders. And of course crossing off a completed task makes me feel like I've accomplished something. The first task for every school day is to take my temp and fill out the health survey.

Let me know if you give the app a try and feel free to share with me any tricks you use to help remember all the things you do every day! 

And also don't forget about the flu shot clinic! (October 6 and October 8)

Stay well!