Monday, May 4, 2020

Walk More Challenge (And the winners are...)

On wellness day, 73 employees signed up to take the Winooski Walk More challenge (and 20 people won socks.) As we progressed through the weeks of the challenge, 43 participants completed at least one survey, and 18 participants completed all 5 weeks. This is our best participation yet!

But there can be only two winners for the $50 gift certificates and they are...
 Judy Edelstein and Matthew Gonzalez 
๐ŸŽ†Congratulations! ๐ŸŽ†

The wellness leaders and I read through participants' comments and wanted to share a few. While we have had to practice social distancing, some of you walked often with family or pups. And those of you that kept at it reported feeling more energized, an improved mood and mental clarity, and that scheduling walks helped you transition your day. Other comments:
(On finding routines or tips/tricks to stay motivated)
"I go out when I feel overwhelmed"
- "My husband has been going on walks with me every day to get out of the house. It's really nice and we are re-discovering our neighborhood. It's very motivating."  
(On adapting to Staying Home)
- "I walk around the house during phone consults with colleagues."
- "I am digging the free online stuff from the Sports and Fitness Edge getting to try some classes that I have never done! Still walking the dogs daily, too."
- "I'm still adapting. I have committed to starting and ending my day with a walk. My children and I walk down our road and back at the beginning and end of our "school" day. I have recognized that my time in front of the computer each day is keeping me from moving. I have tried to be better about getting up every hour to move, but I still need to add more movement time to my day."
- "Made one room a workout and yoga studio."
(On what to do when your motivation dips)
- "I have no idea the whole situation is complicated. I stay at home all the time. I practice Fast Walking in 30 minutes Fitness Video once every morning." 
- "this is very hard...doing my best"
- "Checklist of my daily routine."
(On the Walk More Challenge overall)
- "Gave me the sense of calm that I needed in a very busy, stressful household."
- "Walking/jogging has been a lifesaver! I time my outdoor exercise to line up either right before (baby's) nap and she comes with me, or during for a little alone time. So far, I'm sticking with it and feeling a lot better. It gives me more energy and a much better attitude!" 
-"My family and I have been doing hikes every Sunday morning. This week, we hiked almost to the summit of Mount Hunger. These trips provide 2 benefits - outdoor exposure to the quiet rejuvenating power of nature and rigorous cardiovascular exercise. My family and I are enjoying it so much we are considering making this a weekly practice."
- "My mood, my soul, peace"
"It is definitely a bummer that my steps have decreased each week, but I'm not going to beat myself up. These past weeks have been a huge adjustment filled with a mix of emotions. I am grateful that I live in a place where I can walk freely outside without having to deal with swarms of people. I am also proud that I have maintained the walks with my kids every morning and most afternoons. I'm still working on getting more steps during these long days in front of my computer. I am looking forward to reboot over the vacation and start an exercise routine that will work with my current remote teaching and homeschooling gig."  

Keep Walking. Keep Moving. Stay Safe. 

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