Friday, May 1, 2020

VT Farmers Markets Reopen TODAY (COVID-19 Update)

Starting today, Vermont Farmers Markets have been given the go ahead to reopen, outdoor only, abiding by Farmers Market Guidance issued by the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets.

Please be aware that the purpose of reopening the farmers markets is to provide access to fresh, local food and support our food systems (farmers and food businesses). Markets should not provide activities that encourage congregating (such as entertainment or an eating area), or non-essential items such as crafts and jewelry at this time. Any pre-made meals or cooked food should be eaten off-site.

If you plan to shop at a farmers market, please remember to limit the number of people in your household going with you, practice social distancing, and even though you are outside, always wear a mask.

Be Safe. Be Healthy. Eat Local.

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