Thursday, April 1, 2021

Sleep Well Challenge (2021)

30-day 'Sleep Well' Challenge April 15 - May 15

Do you find yourself saying, “I’m tired” and yet, not falling asleep well at night?  Is tossing and turning your biggest form of exercise?  You are not alone.  There are many reasons sleep can be disrupted. 

This 30 day Sleep Well challenge is to help change or support your healthy sleep habits and hopefully help get you, or keep you, on track so you wake up feeling ready for a new day. 

This challenge will run from April 15 and run through May 15th. Please sign up by April 9th so I can have your materials ready and get them to you for the start date.

All participants to sign up will receive a sleep tracker and motivational emails each week. The first 25 participants to sign up will also receive a Sleep Well Kit that includes a drawstring bag, one sleep journal, an eye mask & ear plugs, and a lavender lotion.

To earn your 10 PATHpoints you will need to complete a simple survey at the end of the 30 days.  

Please add your name and preferred email address to the list attached

You can still participate and earn the points even if you do not get a Sleep Well kit.

(Angela Moulton)

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