Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wellness Wheel assessment (Opening Activity)

Several people have discussed their wellness wheels with me from yesterday's Wellness Day opening activity. I want to reiterate that I am happy to help you find ways of putting your wheel back into balance.

A few have requested copies to use with students or family members at home. Here are two versions:

1. Click here for the version we used yesterday. The assessment statements are best used with high school students but can be used with adults. It includes the following 6 dimensions of wellness: Physical, Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual and Environmental. It is an editable Google Doc, so if you want to use it and change the statements for middle school, you just need to download a copy to your own Google drive.

2. Click here for a PDF copy of the original "Life Balance Assessment & Action Planning Guide" developed by Richardson & Microys. It includes the following 6 dimensions of wellness: Physical, Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual and Financial. The assessment statements are intended for adults.

Jaycie' Assessment

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