Tuesday, August 17, 2021

"Welcome to Winooski" from Wellness leader

 Welcome and Welcome Back!

My name is Angela Moulton.  I am one of the wellness leaders for the district.  I am writing to let you know about PATH!  It is a free wellness program through VEHI.  HERE is information about VEHI and PATH for those of you who are not familiar with these programs.

We have a wonderful wellness team here to support you!  We have a teacher in each part of the school as well as having a Wellness Coordinator.

Wellness Coordinator / District Champion: Jaycie Puttlitz (jputtlitz@wsdvt.org)

JFK Leader: Nan Johnson (njohnson@wsdvt.org)

Middle School Leader: Laura Graves (lgraves@wsdvt.org)

High School Leader: Rebecca Savage (rsavage@wsdvt.org)

Central office and other staff: Angela Moulton (amoulton@wsdvt.org)

One of the wonderful perks of joining PATH is a $100  L.L. Bean to all participants who meet their yearly points goal.  You can earn points through taking quizzes, logging in exercise and participating in free wellness courses such as rethinking sugar, non-violent communications and others.  

Wellness leaders also offer events that can earn you points!  In June, many staff members started the 100 days, 100 miles challenge.  If you were not hired for the start of that event or didn't sign up for the start date, I am inviting you to join in for the last 30 days to earn 10 points. Your challenge would start the first student day and go through September 25th.  HERE is more about the current challenge the staff is doing.  If you complete your 30 days, you will be eligible to receive 10 points.  

Please let me know if you would like to join this initiative or have any questions. If you are already part of PATH at another school I can arrange for you to be transferred over to WSD.  I am also happy to help you sign up for PATH if you need support.  

If you would like to learn even more about walking for health read this article from Harvard School of Public Health.



Angela Moulton and the Wellness team

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