Thursday, April 30, 2020

Another (long-ish) Wellness note {School Dismissal Update}

It's been six weeks since we dismissed school. We've had our fair share of challenges to overcome, and seen shining spots of success. I am inspired by your dedication and connection with your students. Over break, a parent came to pick up meals and told a staff member that her daughter was eagerly looking forward to talking to her on Monday morning. "She really looks forward to those calls each week," mom said. I also overheard another teacher talking about one of her students who will initiate a Google hangout invite because the students just wanted to chat about stuff. You all have been there for your students. And those students that we struggle to connect with, we will get them back--and back on track--soon.

What about YOU? Are you able to find a balance of working at home with family around you all of the time? Some of you might be struggling with helping your own kids' distance learning, and/or a spouse who is also at home, and maintaining your own workload. Or, maybe you are still not able to find a way to "unplug" in the evening because there is "just one more thing" you want to finish.

I also see a lot on social media about people doing improvement projects during the crisis. This may not happen for everyone--and that is OK! The key word is "crisis" and with crisis comes anxiety, fear and stress. If you are familiar with Maslow's Theory of Human Motivation (Hierarchy of Needs), you will know that when our basic needs are not met, including the feeling of security, we are not able to tap into our higher needs such as motivation or creativity for new projects. This crisis did not just knock many of our students and their families down toward the bottom of the pyramid, it also knocked us--the caregivers and educators--down a few notches. I recommend reading this article which offers some insight, and actions to take and avoid, to help you navigate through your needs during the COVID crisis. 

To help our employees restore balance, your wellness leaders have one last wellness challenge for you (if you choose to accept it). We have an activity for you to assess, or reassess, your life balance, then set a goal and work toward achieving it. I will be sending instructions about this in a separate email tomorrow. And on Monday, we will announce the winners of the Walk More Challenge that we started on Wellness Day.

WSD is still doing Zoom Yoga together. Katherine is still leading Winooski educators via Zoom each Thursday at 4pm until May 14. Here is a link to the call in info, and it will be the same number every week. I hope to see you today at 4pm!

Two FREE Opportunities for PATH participants from VEHI (must have a PATH account).
  1. Personal Training. Want to get motivated to workout? As a PATH participant, you are eligible for four (4), FREE, one-on-one, 30-minute personal training sessions with Tom Williams (the guy from the PATH Adventure videos!) Tom's been a top-level trainer in Vermont for over 25 years. He's on Zoom or Facetime to help you get started.
  2. Nutrition Consultation. Struggling to maintain good eating habits or want to make a change? PATH participants can schedule up to three (3), FREE, nutrition consultations (via phone, Facetime or Zoom) with nutritionist, Rebecca Flewelling. Consultations last 30 minutes and can be scheduled on Wednesdays - Saturdays between April 22nd and June 30th.
More information is found on your PATH account. It's under the Announcements on your dashboard. All WSD employees and contractors are eligible to participate in the PATH program. If you do not have an account, use these directions to get started. Or, contact a Wellness Leader. 

  • Educator Resource: Tips on Self-Care during the COVID-19 Crisis. This document comes to us from the Vermont Department of Health to provide educators with tips for maintaining their personal well-being.
  • Mental Health Webinar Series from DHMC. This Webinar series features Dartmouth-Hitchcock medical experts who discuss the challenges and concerns brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation. This webinar is a six-part series streaming live each Wednesday, beginning April 22, with recording available shortly after. The first Webinar focused on parents of infants through 6th graders. Upcoming webinars focus on parents of 7th graders-College age, a special focus on highschool students, and other adults. 
  • Down Dog App. Thanks to Kristen VanFossen for pointing out that Down Dog App has given educators, students and healthcare professionals free access to all of its apps, including yoga, HIIT, Barre and 7-min Workout, until July 1. These are available to your device through Google Store or Apple Play.
  • Telemedicine: From VEHI: American Well (AmWell), our provider through BCBS of Vermont, “has established a Telehealth Response Program to support the use of telehealth as an initial COVID-19 screening tool, which includes an always-on-call infection control officer. NOTE: There may be a fee depending on your BCBSVT plan and you will need to present a credit card to enroll if so. Telemedicine is a key element to controlling the spread of COVID-19. Whether you are concerned about coronavirus or a non-urgent concern, staying home reduces your exposure and the spread of COVID-19, available 24/7.” Click here to find out more about BCBSVT Telemedicine and AmWell apps.  

And please, always wear your mask in public.

May Schedule: Lucy D'Aponte Yoga

A Note from Lucy:

Thanks for practicing yoga with me this past month. Let's keep it going! I have added a restorative yoga class for the month of May. Please see the schedule below and let me know if you have any questions.

If you are just joining my classes, this email includes helpful information regarding Zoom classes.  Feel free to share this schedule with your friends.

Let's keep our bodies moving and nourishing them with yoga practices.  It is so important especially during this time as the world continues to find balance and healing.  We are a microcosm of the macrocosm: balancing your body, mind and spirit radiates into the Universe and helps to support the earth's homeostasis.


Monday, 8-9am: Morning Yoga Flow:  get your day started and moving. Expect a playful, guided all-levels class.

Wednesday, 3:30-4:30pm: Gentle Yoga Flow: move your body into a gentle yoga flow. Expect an ease-full guided class.

Friday, 3:30-4:30pm: Restorative Yoga (Begins May 8th): bring your body into a place of rest. Expect guided instruction into supported yoga postures that restore your energy and regulate your nervous system.

TO SIGN UP: please email me at, let me know which class(es) you'd like to join and I will send you a zoom link.

PAY WHAT YOU CAN ($5+ per class):  
via VENMO @Lucy-DAponte 
Or CHECK: 96 W Spring St, Winooski, VT 05404

TO PREPARE:  Please make sure you have downloaded Zoom to your computer.  I will open the zoom meeting about 10 minutes before class starts to troubleshoot any electronic assistance needed.  You will be muted upon entering the meeting, so un-mute yourself if you have any questions (click on mic icon- it will turn from red to green).

SET UP your yoga space before the meeting.  Be sure you have your mat or blanket space set, clear your area to allow for reaching arms up and around you, bring any props you like to use.  For restorative class: be creative - blankets, pillows, yoga strap (scarf/belt/dog leash), and couch cushions can be helpful supports but not necessary.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

A (shorter) note from your Wellness Coordinator {School Dismissal Update}

I have to be honest. The first two weeks were overwhelming. I felt like I was drinking from a fire hose; every time I solved a problem, another one presented itself. I felt guilty if I could not solve all of the problems. Once I remembered to ask for help, it became manageable. I reacted less and responded more. I hope that if any of you experienced those feelings, you are moving to a place where things are becoming manageable. And if not, ask for help. 
  • For those of you still doing yoga with Katherine, she will be teaching us via Zoom for the next six (6) Thursdays at 4pm. Here is a link to the call in info. It will be the same number every week until May 14. (I hope to see you today at 4pm!)
  • Need some mindfulness? Try Calm on YouTube. My go-to in anxious moments is the 52-second Breathe Bubble.
You may notice that you are putting in more hours into work/teaching now than you normally did when school was open. It was easier to switch to family/personal mode when you physically walked out the school door. Somehow, you need to find a way to switch to family mode when you are teaching from home, too. It will help if your working/teaching space is different from your living space. If you don't have a home office or other separate area for working, then try setting an alarm that reminds you when to turn off the computer and put "school" away for the day, every day. It also might help to schedule a transition activity like a walk or exercise routine after your work is done.

Another thing I have heard is people feeling like they are losing their sense of purpose, a feeling that is amplified by isolation and social distance. This article from Forbes/Next Generation provides some background as well as suggestions for finding purpose during this pandemic. And, if you are interested and have time, check out this free online course: the Science of Well-Being from Yale.

And don't forget to keep washing your hands.
Be well, 